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Square Relief.
ausgebucht / complet
atelier pour adultes

22/02/2019 - 10h - 17h

A Linocut workshop designed to help you stimulate your own creativity and get inspired by the exciting world of relief printmaking. You will be provided with technical skills to improve your sense of layout, composition and cutting techniques and you´ll be pulling your prints on a traditional hand lever press. Over and above, there will be ample room for ideas and experimentation, with plenty of hands on and inky fingers.

Alexander Harry Morrison of himself:

I am a Scottish-born artist based in Trier, Germany working mainly in etching/drypoint, wood- and linocut printmaking. My work has been recently exhibited in Trier, Flensburg and Scotland. Art for me is not just about making things, I see it rather as a case of manipulating material to create meaning. A piece of art has the power to determine the way we see and think. Relief printmaking is as much about surface texture as about shape and composition. It has a flat, 2-dimensional aspect and although I mostly make drawing-based work I like to use it in this way - the pieces thus gaining an up-front and abstract element to them.


1 hour break
Language DE + EN
Fee per course 55 €
Additional material costs depending on consumption
Min-Max 3-6 participants
Min. age 16 years
reservation: mail@kulturhuef.lu or +352 26 74 64 1 (mo.-fr.: 08:30am - noon)
Org. Kulturhuef


Horaires d'ouverture Musée

Tous les jours 14.00-18.00 heures,
sauf lundi fermé

Contact musée :
(+352) 26 74 64 25
musee (at) kulturhuef (dot) lu