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Charlie Chaplin: The Great Dictator (EN)

15.05.2022 - 16:30

(Leider existiert dieser Text nicht in deutsch.)
A barber wounded during the First World War returns home after 20 years within hospital walls. His shop has grown full of cobwebs and dust, but it is the hateful graffiti on his shop window that takes him totally by surprise. Hynkel, the tyrannical dictator, and his henchmen persecute the barber, as well as the rest of the Jewish community, including the beautiful Hannah. A visionary satire that marked history, just as history itself left its mark on the film.



8,00 € Erwachsene
7,00 € Kinder bis 14 Jahre, Menschen mit Behinderung
1,50€ Kulturpass
Zuschlag für Filme mit Überlänge ( >125 min) 1€
Zuschlag für Filme in 3D 1,50€

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